Bankruptcy And Credit Rebuilding

The fresh start they need to achieve financial stability is offered to many debtors by filing for bankruptcy, but once that process has been completed, it is necessary to rebuild your credit so you may enjoy future financial opportunities that will come up.

After Bankruptcy, Take The Right Steps To Rebuild Credit

At the successful completion of a bankruptcy case, the formal order entered is a bankruptcy discharge. This discharge is not just your ticket out of bankruptcy, but also the brand new beginning for you of a fresh financial start. It is so critical to build and maintain good credit, to take the best advantage of this opportunity. The higher your credit score rises, the lower the rate of interest you will pay on your credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages.

After you receive your discharge, no sooner than four months, and no later than nine months, you should get hold of a copy of your credit report so that you can see exactly where you stand with the three major credit bureaus, Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. Each year you are entitled to get one free credit report, and you may get it by calling 1-877-322-8228, or going to
Be careful of those websites which sound as if they are “free”, but often require you to enroll in a monitoring service, or pay a fee.

There are often mistakes on these reports, so when you receive it, take the time to carefully check it for accuracy. “Discharged”, and not “dismissed”, is what the bankruptcy case should say, and “discharged in bankruptcy” is what every account that was discharged should read. On the other hand, all accounts that were reaffirmed, if you are current, should read “account in good standing”. Be certain to verify that all listed creditors are ones that you use or have done so in the past, and all errors should be disputed including addresses which are old or outdated.

Tips On Rebuilding, Protecting And Maintaining Good Credit

Open a savings account or a checking account or both. It will be a great help securing a loan when you show a positive financial history.
Pay on time your post-bankruptcy or reaffirmed bills. To avoid late payments and fees, take advantage of auto-pay.
Update all accounts to current status. Should you fall behind, it will negatively impact your credit score, when creditors send your accounts to collectors.
On all “revolving credit”(i.e. credit cards), keep balances as low as possible.
Whenever it is possible, instead of transferring debt to low-interest rate cards, pay it off.

Should you ever fall behind on any payments, see a credit counselor, or get in touch with your creditors, and apprise them of the situation. This will give you the opportunity to work out the best scenario for yourself by working with the creditors, and possibly delay any negative reports to credit agencies of any delinquencies. For additional information regarding working with creditors, please see our debt settlement page.

Do not open any lines of credit that you do not need.

By using secure websites, proactively protect your credit from identity theft. Any personal documents or lost cards should be reported immediately. If fraudulent charges appear, or your identity is stolen, it will take some time to straighten matters out. Continue to monitor your progress by getting your credit report a few times each year. Yes, raising your scores will take some time, but seeing them going up will provide motivation to continue building these new habits.

About Bankruptcy And Rebuilding Credit, Talk To Bankruptcy Attorney J. Keith Cornwell

Making a new fresh start after bankruptcy is something that bankruptcy Attorney J. Keith Cornwell understands can be intimidating to clients. But he also knows and stresses that with care and diligence, a better financial future is possible. Please contact the Cornwell Law Firm today, and schedule a free consultation.

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