When is Filing for Personal Bankruptcy the Best Option?


Is Filing Personal Bankruptcy Right for You? The average Georgian carries over $7,000 in credit card debt, in addition to student loans, car loans, and mortgages. Debt, coupled with rising costs of living, can quickly become overwhelming and late or missed payments can begin to pile up. When calls from creditors begin, you may believe that bankruptcy is your only option, but how do you know when filing personal bankruptcy is the right choice for you? Debts Not Removed by Personal Bankruptcy There are two primary forms of bankruptcy used by individuals, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. It is important to [...]

When is Filing for Personal Bankruptcy the Best Option?2020-08-04T13:52:09-04:00

Debt Consolidation Loans and Debt Stress


The vast majority of Americans carry some level of debt. When financial pressures are high, you may be searching for relief options. Due to the stigma attached to bankruptcy, a debt consolidation loan is a tempting alternative. Debt consolidation loans combine your existing debts into one payment, making it a bit easier to manage your payment and reducing your interest rate. Debt Consolidation Options There are two kinds of debt consolidation loans. One requires the use of your home as collateral. This option can put your home at risk. However, if you eventually need to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, this [...]

Debt Consolidation Loans and Debt Stress2019-06-10T11:31:42-04:00

Debt Management Tips & Best Practices


Debt Management Solutions It is not hard to find yourself in deep debt. You may take out a car loan, borrow money for educational expenses, buy a house, or go overboard with your credit cards. Whatever the reason, the amount you are left owing can be intimidating. The good news is that a debt management plan can help you create a budget and pay those overwhelming balances down. Here are four tips for debt management that everyone needs to know: Limit Your Spending by Using a Budget Calculator If you already owe a significant amount of money, you need to limit [...]

Debt Management Tips & Best Practices2019-05-20T09:47:43-04:00

How Debt Counseling Can Improve Your Quality of Life


The Benefits of Debt Counseling There is a saying that money cannot buy happiness, but the person who said that likely was not staring at an empty bank account. While money may not buy happiness, it is definitely required to pay your bills. Not having money limits our options and can wreak havoc on our health. However, borrowing money can also create stress, too. The negative effects can appear as impaired cognitive functioning, low self-esteem, and limited ability to focus. Debt counseling can help your situation. Unfortunately, it is rare for a person to never suffer from money problems. Marriages fail, [...]

How Debt Counseling Can Improve Your Quality of Life2019-05-20T09:48:05-04:00

How to Pay Off Debt Affordably


Here's How to Pay Off Debt Affordably Would it not be great if one day we woke up and our debt had just magically disappeared? Debt can seem overwhelming, especially if you are trying your best to pay it off but have a limited budget. Paying extra on debt may seem impossible or a waste of time, but most experts will tell you it is almost always better to make a small payment than no payment at all. Here are five tips on how to pay off debt affordably, even if you have a limited budget: Create a Payment Plan: When [...]

How to Pay Off Debt Affordably2019-05-20T09:48:19-04:00

How to Navigate Financial Hardship


Financial Hardship is all too Common While many Americans are celebrating the new year with lofty goals, others are just trying to pay the bills and hoping no financial emergency arises. In fact, only 66% of Americans could afford to spend $400 in an emergency, and only 39% of Americans say they could cover a $1,000 emergency expense. This means that the majority of Americans are only one car breakdown, injury, or other unexpected expense away from financial hardship. If you are one of the thousands of Americans facing financial hardship, there is hope and help. Navigating Financial Hardship Whether a [...]

How to Navigate Financial Hardship2019-03-28T15:22:17-04:00

Why Paying Off Debt Can be Cheaper with a Bankruptcy Attorney


Paying Off Debt is Easier With Expert Help If you are one of the 28% of Americans who resolved to improve their financial situation this year, you will no doubt want to tackle your debt. The average American carries $38,000 in debt, not including home mortgages, making a resolution to pay off debt one that will require hard work and dedication. If your debt load is higher than average or if you are already behind on payments and receive calls from debt collectors, improving your financial situation may seem impossible, but you can solve your debt problems. Continue reading to learn [...]

Why Paying Off Debt Can be Cheaper with a Bankruptcy Attorney2020-01-07T12:33:14-05:00

​What are my Options Before and After Car Repossession?


What to Do if You are Facing Car Repossession If you are behind on your car payments, in many cases, your lender can repossess your vehicle without giving you any type of notice. However, bankruptcy can help stop the repossession and can even help you get your car back if it has already been repossessed. Bankruptcy Automatic Stay As soon as you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect. This means that your creditors must stop all attempts to collect their debts from you. They can not call you, move forward with a lawsuit, sell, repossess, or foreclose on [...]

​What are my Options Before and After Car Repossession?2019-02-28T15:23:07-05:00

​What to do if Your Car Has Been Repoed


My Car was Repoed: What do I do Now? If you have secured debts such as vehicle loans and you default on the loans, the creditor has the right to repossess the collateral if they can do it without disrupting the peace. This is why repossessions are often done in the middle of the night after you have missed two or more payments and the bank has threatened to repossess your vehicle. If your car has been repoed, our team can help. What do you do if you wake up and your car is missing from your driveway? It depends on [...]

​What to do if Your Car Has Been Repoed2019-02-28T15:20:12-05:00

​​When Does Debt Forgiveness Result in Tax Implications?


Understanding Debt Cancellation & Debt Forgiveness When you lose your job or have an unexpected injury or illness, the result can be financial devastation. Such financial demise often leads to a debt settlement agreement or even bankruptcy. While this may seem like a good idea, there can be some stiff penalties for relief such as debt forgiveness. When a creditor agrees to forgive a debt without consideration in return, it means that they cancel the debt. While that may sound good to start with, cancellation of debt is considered income for the debtor and is taxable. In some cases, however, the [...]

​​When Does Debt Forgiveness Result in Tax Implications?2018-11-28T10:42:27-05:00
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