The Benefits of Debt Counseling

There is a saying that money cannot buy happiness, but the person who said that likely was not staring at an empty bank account. While money may not buy happiness, it is definitely required to pay your bills. Not having money limits our options and can wreak havoc on our health. However, borrowing money can also create stress, too. The negative effects can appear as impaired cognitive functioning, low self-esteem, and limited ability to focus. Debt counseling can help your situation.

Unfortunately, it is rare for a person to never suffer from money problems. Marriages fail, jobs disappear, people get sick, and the bills keep coming. No one is immune to these struggles. So, which comes first, the pain or the debt? Does debt cause mental illness or is it the other way around? The answer is yes – both. Regardless of the reason why a person falls behind on their bills, the debt can trigger multiple emotional responses:

  • Denial: Consumers do not have the luxury of unlimited spending. However, many people tend to spend as though they do while ignoring the problem. They put off dealing with their money issues until they are faced with an outside event such as a foreclosure threat or phone calls from a debt collector.
  • Stress: This is the opposite of denial. The average adult in the United States has over $6,000 in credit card debt. Well over half of Americans report being stressed over money, but what exactly is stress? Scientifically, it is a non-specific response the body has to any demand for change. It may manifest in loss of focus, lack of sleep, or endless worry.
  • Panic and Fear: This is like stress, only much worse. If the thought of paying your bills late does not just make you uncomfortable, but makes you short of breath, increases your heartbeat, and makes you have a headache, this is likely more than just stress. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that some 19% of Americans suffer from anxiety each year, and financial struggles are a trigger for many of those.
  • Anger: Any time the economy goes south, anger rises. This phenomenon is so common that it has earned its own name, Debt-Anger Syndrome. Instead of denying or panicking, people who are in debt get angry. They are mad at debt collectors, the mailman for delivering their bills, their bosses for not paying more money, etc.
  • Depression: After struggling through the other stages of debt, the depression sets in. Hopelessness and low self-esteem set in, which can lead to even more debt because this struggle is often comforted by a shopping spree. It can become a vicious circle.
  • Relief: The good news is that mental illness and debt can both be treated. The first step is getting out of debt. You may think that is easier said than done, but an experienced attorney can help you get started.

Contact an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney Today

Whatever the reason for your uncomfortable level of debt, you need to work to reduce your expenses, reduce your interest rates, increase your payments to creditors, and pay off your bills. The attorneys at Cornwell Law Firm can provide experienced debt counseling and help you take the steps to make that happen. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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