What is Alternative Debt Resolution?


When you are considering bankruptcy, you may come across the term ‘Alternative Debt Resolution.’ Do you know what that means? Alternative debt resolution is when an outside, impartial person attempts to help resolve your debt with your creditors for you. This can happen in a variety of ways, and it is an option for some people, but may not work for everyone. Steps to Successful Alternative Debt Resolution Liquidate Assets This is not an option that many people want to consider because it means losing property. However, it can be of great assistance and may not hurt as much as you [...]

What is Alternative Debt Resolution?2019-05-07T14:16:37-04:00

How Bankruptcy and Student Loans Work


The Relationship Between Bankruptcy and Student Loans Unfortunately, getting a college degree does not come without lingering debt for most of us. The other unfortunate thing is that most debtors will not wipe out student loan debt if you file for a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy unless you can prove that it causes you undue hardship. Continue reading to learn about the relationship between bankruptcy and student loans. What is the Undue Hardship Exception? In order to have student loan debt discharged, or wiped out, in bankruptcy, you and your attorney must prove that it would result in an [...]

How Bankruptcy and Student Loans Work2019-05-07T15:03:16-04:00

Debt Management Tips & Best Practices


Debt Management Solutions It is not hard to find yourself in deep debt. You may take out a car loan, borrow money for educational expenses, buy a house, or go overboard with your credit cards. Whatever the reason, the amount you are left owing can be intimidating. The good news is that a debt management plan can help you create a budget and pay those overwhelming balances down. Here are four tips for debt management that everyone needs to know: Limit Your Spending by Using a Budget Calculator If you already owe a significant amount of money, you need to limit [...]

Debt Management Tips & Best Practices2019-05-20T09:47:43-04:00

What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Hospital Bill


Getting Help With Your Hospital Bill It seems like every day we hear a story about someone who cannot pay his or her hospital bill. Even with health insurance, if a person suffers a devastating injury or illness, the expenses can far exceed six figures. If you were the one receiving that kind of bill, what would you do? The good news is that hospital bills can be taken care of. The internet has made it much easier to find the discrepancies in bills from one hospital’s charges to the next. This not only makes pricing more competitive, but it may [...]

What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Hospital Bill2019-05-20T09:47:49-04:00

How Debt Counseling Can Improve Your Quality of Life


The Benefits of Debt Counseling There is a saying that money cannot buy happiness, but the person who said that likely was not staring at an empty bank account. While money may not buy happiness, it is definitely required to pay your bills. Not having money limits our options and can wreak havoc on our health. However, borrowing money can also create stress, too. The negative effects can appear as impaired cognitive functioning, low self-esteem, and limited ability to focus. Debt counseling can help your situation. Unfortunately, it is rare for a person to never suffer from money problems. Marriages fail, [...]

How Debt Counseling Can Improve Your Quality of Life2019-05-20T09:48:05-04:00

How to Pay Off Debt Affordably


Here's How to Pay Off Debt Affordably Would it not be great if one day we woke up and our debt had just magically disappeared? Debt can seem overwhelming, especially if you are trying your best to pay it off but have a limited budget. Paying extra on debt may seem impossible or a waste of time, but most experts will tell you it is almost always better to make a small payment than no payment at all. Here are five tips on how to pay off debt affordably, even if you have a limited budget: Create a Payment Plan: When [...]

How to Pay Off Debt Affordably2019-05-20T09:48:19-04:00

How to Get Out Of Credit Card Debt


Pro Tips on How to Get Out Of Credit Card Debt It is no secret that credit card debt is a problem. In fact, over 45% of Americans have a balance on their credit card, with the average person having $6,375 in credit card debt. If you have credit card debt, there are a few steps that you can take to help eliminate that debt quickly. Continue reading for expert tips on how to get out of credit card debt. Pay off the card with the highest interest rate first: Any extra cash you have each month should be used to [...]

How to Get Out Of Credit Card Debt2019-04-24T15:48:32-04:00

How to Get Help With Medical Bills


Finding the Right Help With Medical Bills It is not hard for the treatment of an illness or injury in the United States to reach six figures. Even having insurance, the balance remaining due can still be eye-popping. You may feel like you are young and healthy so you are not likely to have any medical bills any time soon, but is all it takes to change that. Getting professional help with medical bills is crucial to ensuring your finances don't spin out of control. According to the Federal Reserve, roughly two in five Americans have had their credit scores negatively [...]

How to Get Help With Medical Bills2019-04-24T15:48:00-04:00

How to Use a Credit Card Repayment Calculator


Tips for Using a Credit Card Repayment Calculator The minimum payment for credit card debts is calculated based on a percentage of your entire current balance. Issuers of credit cards also typically set a limit for the minimum. While your minimum payment may drop as you pay your balance, thanks to compounding interest, you will likely pay on your card for a very long time if you choose to pay the minimum payment. When you carry a large, fluctuating balance on your credit card, figuring the minimum payment may feel like a guessing game. Often times, however, determining your minimum payment [...]

How to Use a Credit Card Repayment Calculator2019-05-20T09:48:31-04:00

How to Navigate Financial Hardship


Financial Hardship is all too Common While many Americans are celebrating the new year with lofty goals, others are just trying to pay the bills and hoping no financial emergency arises. In fact, only 66% of Americans could afford to spend $400 in an emergency, and only 39% of Americans say they could cover a $1,000 emergency expense. This means that the majority of Americans are only one car breakdown, injury, or other unexpected expense away from financial hardship. If you are one of the thousands of Americans facing financial hardship, there is hope and help. Navigating Financial Hardship Whether a [...]

How to Navigate Financial Hardship2019-03-28T15:22:17-04:00
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