Bankruptcy and Mortgages


Bankruptcy and Your Mortgage Bankruptcy can make it difficult to obtain a loan home loan; nevertheless, it is possible to get financing after bankruptcy. Any bankruptcy is registered with public records. This information list for seven years following Chapter 13 bankruptcy and stays on record for ten years following the filing date on Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A bankruptcy lawyer helps you put your finances back on track with qualified bankruptcy assistance. After going through a listing period, a bankruptcy will no longer show on your credit report. If a buyer is unwilling to wait for the information to disappear from the [...]

Bankruptcy and Mortgages2018-05-07T17:01:03-04:00

Planning for Bankruptcy


Planning for Bankruptcy in Lawrenceville and all of Gwinnett County Many people are at a disadvantage because they wait too long to get counsel to find out about their legal rights. You should consult with a professional as soon as you discover that you have a debt problem that you will not be able to resolve on your own. You will not have to deal with the increased stress that comes along with having a debt problem that you cannot control if you consult with Cornwell Law Firm. You will also be in the best position when it is time for [...]

Planning for Bankruptcy2018-05-07T17:05:17-04:00
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